Basic Mechanical Engineering- Micro Projects

 Basic Mechanical Engineering - List of projects

1) Prepare a report on I.C. Engine Components.

2D Diagram-

Fig. Components of I.C.Engine


This diagram mainly consists of the crank, oil sump, connecting rod, crankcase, piston, fuel, air, inlet valve, spark plug, exhaust valve, etc. Students can draw this diagram given above, using AUTO CAD software. After completion of drawing students should write a report on the topic- I.C Engine Components. The report will contain-  Abstract, Introduction, Definitions of each term included in the diagram, Construction of I.C.Engine, how I.C.Engine works?, what are the types of I.C.Engine?, What are the applications of I.C.Engines? etc. If students want to add any other points related to the topic then it is allowed. The project diary should be maintained by students on a daily basis and at the end of the semester, it should be submitted to the subject teacher.

2) Prepare a report on Four-stroke Diesel Engine.

2D Diagram-

Fig. Four Stroke Diesel Engine


In this diagram, each stroke is represented with a separate diagram like- suction stroke, compression stroke, power stroke and exhaust stroke. Students need to mention the introduction to Four-stroke diesel engine by giving the description of each stroke including crank rotation. The diagram should be well labelled with all details like- fuel injector, inlet valve, exhaust valve, piston, cylinder, crank, connecting rod, crankshaft etc. 

 3) Report on Open and Closed Gas turbine cycle

 2D Diagram-

Fig. Closed cycle gas turbine

Fig. Open cycle gas turbine


This is the comparative study of the closed cycle and open cycle gas turbine which includes various components used in a cycle and advantaged, disadvantages of both types. After drawing a neat labeled diagram in any suitable drawing software, students should include introductory part of the gas turbine in a report. The report will consist of mainly the description of gas turbines, the role of the gas turbine in a cycle, how the gas turbine differs from other types of turbines, etc. Finally, students should include the applications of the open and closed cycle gas turbines.

4) Report on Pelton Turbine

 2D Diagram-

Fig. Pelton wheel


The main intention of this topic is to highlight the working function of the Pelton turbine. Students should give proper construction and work of the same without missing its parts like- buckets, casing, brake nozzle, etc.  The report should include the structure of the buckets and the reason behind it. The head range of the Pelton wheel will be the key point in the report.  the report will summarize with applications, advantages, disadvantages of the Pelton wheel.

 5) Report on Francis Turbine

 2D Diagram-
Fig. Francis Turbine


Along with the neat labeled diagram, students should highlight the key points of this turbine-like construction, working, etc. Each and every component of this turbine should be nicely described in the report. While drawing this diagram using suitable drawing software one should keep in mind the symmetry of the diagram should not be disturbed at all.

5) Report on Cochran Boiler 

 2D Diagram-

Fig. Cochran Boiler


Cochran boiler should be explained clearly as a part of a steam power plant. The report should start with the basic information of steam power plant. Students should draw a neat labeled diagram for the boiler and then should mention further about the mountings and accessories of the boiler with a detail description. The report should be summarized finally with advantaged, disadvantages and applications of the respective boiler.

5) Report on Babcock and Wilcox Boiler

 2D Diagram-


Fig. Babcock and Wilcox Boiler


The procedure for preparing a report on this boiler will remain the same as that of the Cochran Boiler.


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